Just watched "The Game" staring Michael Douglas and it is a load of crap.
The reason why I recomended the movie for those working on the puzzle is because I recognized key features that were similar to my experiences when I talked about my research at my former employer. (Turns out almost every person in management was either a Mason or of a similar group.)
The difference between the movie and in real life is that Michael Douglas' characher was given an invitation and followed up on it.
In real life, if you get close to solving the puzzle, or if these bastards think you are getting close to solving the puzzle they will automaticly begin harassing you, involving Stalking, and psychological toruture tactics.
I can't tell you enough how evil and sick these people are.
Everything you have heard about these people is true.
(And this is coming from someone who had no negative opinion about these groups prior to 2005, when my HARASSMENT began. How astonished I was to learn that Evangelical Christians were right all along!)
It would be incredibly easy to just dismiss my warning as rants or ravings, but I would ask each and everyone who is currently working on this puzzle to ask yourself certain questions concerning this thing. Why is money being offered as a reward for deciphering a puzzle that they themselves know the answer to?
Answer: "You can't catch a fish without bait."
and to the person who solves the puzzle: "Am I the first one to have actualy figured this out?"
The Answer: "No, Many have come before you."
"Then what happened to these people?"
Answer: The short answer is that they "just dissappear" and are never heard from again. The long story involves a secret religious cult operating within Freemasonry and other simiar groups who susbcribe to Heretical version of christianity, one which views Gifted or Genius individuals as Demons, and a heretical version of christianity where the female members rule over men and the men are treated basicly like slaves.
These people are sick. Please stay away from this crap. Eventualy you will cross the line and experience for yourself what I am refering to. Who is going to help you then? All I can do is tell you to keep your head during the harassment and not to "flip out", which is exactly what they want you to do.
Please just stay away from this. You can only tell yourself, "It's only a game", unless you haven't had experiences with these groups. When they start to harass you what are you going to do? Call the police? -Sorry, most officers are Masons or of similar groups.
Just stay away from this crap. Once the harassment starts, your whole life will be DESTROYED. I can't emphasize this enough, yet I see so many naive and "know-it-all" people continue working on this as if they know better or are oblivious....