"Pharaoh THOTHMOSIS knew the secret of the serpent staff even as he was in his grave SET. In his tomb were secrets revealed to eyes that shouldn't see the wonder."
Anybody wanna help me elaborate on this clue.
I've looked up Thothmosis and get several different pharaoh's out of it. Thothmosis appears to be related to Tutankhamon but could also be Tuthmosos. And something about THOTHMOSIS would seem to directly relate to SET. I don't know how. And the second line confuses me. Does anybody know a tomb that revealed secrets to people that it shouldn't? Tut? Magdalene? Anybody?
Please keep your comments to relating to this clue. I plan on starting other topics for the other clues soon.
i searched the words"tomb of set" and got a hundred dif'rent hits but stumbled across a website that claim to have found the tomb of osirus. wich is claimed to have been beneath the tomb of a pharoah seth-****** something or other. they said to have found the clue to finding the directions to the tomb from a hieroglyph in thothmosis I tomb by using a technique that opens unused parts of the brain by using echos from the tomb structure itself and standing in a certain spot. the hieroglyph pointed to a tomb halfway between the great sphinx and the great pyramid.
osirus is said to have been reincarnated as horus which curriosly i was led to believe was the root for the name jehova.
did i stumble across the secret team uncovering a secret of secrets.
this techniqe is very similar to projection theory in my book which i believe is the way prophets and other people in the bible had thier "god" encounters.
all the hermes talk in the book had me wondering as well. was hermes not the messenger of the gods. the three times great of heaven hell and the in between. could you consider him a cast out angel. would his sons also be able to transcend the earthly plain through his techniques. did he create the lyre. could that have helped him in his travels possibly by enabling them. was his cadecaus the knowledge of the three worlds. would he then be perfection. isnt the knowledge of human potential the symolic cadecaus. its perplexing because there is no good and bad in these myths there is only human personas with both qualities
another interesting thing that has gone through this crazy melon of mine is the myth of osirus being cut into pieces by his brothers. jesus being the son of god was killed for mans sins but was born a man. when killed he saved us all, his "brothers" with a piece of himself. he was then reassemled by isis( based on magdalene many believe). but some versions have him being reassembled without his shwontz. could that then be interpreted as female. as in a daughter
sorry more questions than answers and even fewer question marks. any ideas ask cuz i got a million other to go along with that. if its cofusing to read im sorry but thats how it feels in my head as well.
another interesting route is through the book of abramerlin the magician. or abraham merlin. cool huh? the king arthur references clear up a little huh? check out his teqniches to perform his magic as well as jacobs, abrahams, and notes between them. might be more cofusing than clearing but hot shit all the same happy hunting
beware jason is in here i hear hes a whack job.bible thumpers too all of em nuts. now theres my warning.
beware jason is in here i hear hes a whack job.bible thumpers too all of em nuts. now theres my warning.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just called me a "whack job"?
Are you serious? Step back and read your post. You can't even string a sentence together in a rational, logical fashion, -yet I'm a "whack job"!
The good thing is that you won't experience the type of harassment I was trying to warn people about. You are so far off-base with your irrational commentry that you have no hope of coming anyway near to solving this puzzle.
(BTW, Folks the "Tomb of Osiris" this "gentleman" is refering too is hogwash. He got the information from watching a program on UFO's, which claimed the Soviet Union discovered the tomb during a covert operation known as Project Isis. The quality of the program is so piss-poor that I can't believe anybody would take it seriously. Guess I was wrong.)